Welcome to us
SVEČA d.o.o. (Ltd.) is a company that specializes in the manufacture of candles. It was founded in 1990 by Stanko and Ivanka Peter. From a small family business that initially only employed one person, it soon developed into a competitive company that has established itself on the market today, thanks to its innovative and high-quality products.
Today SVEČA d.o.o. produces grave candles, household candles, decorative candles, scented candles and other candles of all kinds and shapes according to customer wishes and requirements. In the start-up phase of the company, the candles were made in the private rooms of a house, but soon this form of production could no longer meet the demand. Therefore, over the past 30 years, our company has been systematically expanded to include extensive areas used for production, administration, areas used as warehouses and our own sales room (5,000 m²). Over the years we have also extended our range of products. For example, the company started manufacturing plastic containers for candles. With the growth of production, new jobs were created at the same time, so that today we employ 24 excellently trained employees, who are the core of our company.
Zaradi zahtev na tržišču nenehno vlagamo v razvoj strojne opreme, kar nam omogoča proizvodnjo predelave več kot tisoč ton parafina letno. Rezultat tega je zaupanje številnih trgovskih verig in manjših kupcev iz celotne države. Zaupa nam vedno več kupcev iz tujine in ponosni smo, da naše stranke prihajajo iz mnogih evropskih držav: Hrvaška, Avstrija, Madžarska, Italija, Nemčija, Grčija, Portugalska, Belgija, …
At SVEČA d.o.o. we are aware of the need to constantly invest in to remain competitive. Therefore, we will continue to commit ourselves, to ensure that the quality of our products is guaranteed and to satisfy our customers. We will also make this possible by maintaining jobs or increasing their number.
What speaks for our products:
- Excellent quality at a competitive price,
- Adaptation to the wishes of our customers,
- Speed and reliability in the execution of orders.
The success story of our company was presented in the TV series “Prava ideja”. We would like to invite you to watch a recorded video in the following LINK
We would like to invite you to follow us on the social networks FB or IG.
Dedicated to you for over thirty years:
The SVEČA d.o.o. Team